new client rate
Piano tuning is the act of adjusting the tension of the strings of an acoustic piano so that the musical intervals between strings are in tune. The meaning of the term 'in tune', in the context of piano tuning, is not simply a particular fixed set of pitches. Fine piano tuning requires an assessment of the vibration interaction among notes, which is different for every piano, thus in practice requiring slightly different pitches from any theoretical standard. Pianos are usually tuned to a modified version of the system called equal temperament.

Correction or
Pitch Raise
plus tuning fee
Pianos are generally tuned to an A440 pitch standard (A above middle C vibrates at 440 hz per second) that was adopted during the early 1900s in response to widely varying standards. A 'pitch raise' or 'pitch correction' or 'double tuning' is the term used to describe the process of changing the pitch of a piano prior to a fine tuning when the pitch has shifted more than 10% of a semi-tone. In these cases, the piano needs to be tuned more than once ($50+tuning fee). If the piano is more than 50% below pitch, it will need to be tuned two to three times ($90+tuning fee). If the piano is more than 100% flat, it will need to be tuned three or more times to bring it to A440 ($120+tuning fee). If you would like to know the pitch of your piano prior to the piano visit, text a video playing A above middle C to 703-657-9404.
Half Day of Service
A four-hour piano service (please set aside 5 hours for run-over-time) which encapsulates whatever I can accomplish, in order of priority, within that time frame. Usually it consists of a pitch raise - if needed, tuning, cleaning, and hammer reshaping / voicing or action adjustments or repairs. If your vertical piano hasn't been serviced for ten years or more, a Half Day of Service is a good course of action.

Full Day of Service
An eight-hour piano service (please set aside 9 hours for run-over-time) which encapsulates whatever I can accomplish, in order of priority, within that time frame. Usually it consists of a pitch raise - if needed, tuning, cleaning, hammer reshaping / voicing and action adjustments, voicing and repairs. If your grand piano hasn't been serviced for ten years or more, a Full Day of Service is a good course of action.
Climate Control System and Installation
650 vertical
720 grand